E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting
It is really very easy to set up forwarding for virtually every email address set up in a cloud hosting account from our company. This can be achieved either when you make a brand new e-mail address using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or any time later because the forwarding can be activated and disabled for every active email address with only a few mouse clicks. You can also choose if a backup of the inbound emails will be maintained on our servers, which is a pretty helpful feature. This can be a fail-safe whenever the remote mailbox is not accessible for some cause, not mentioning that you will have always a backup of all your emails. If this feature is not activated for a specific e-mail on our end, an inbound e-mail will be received and sent forward, so zero record of it will stay on the server. If the remote email address is unavailable temporarily, you will lose this e-mail.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers
For people with a semi-dedicated server from our company, it will take a few mouse clicks inside the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to forward any of the e-mails configured on our server to a third-party address. Inside the exact same section you will additionally be able to observe how many of your mailboxes are forwarded and where the inbound messages are going. It is possible to enable or deactivate a forwarding account whenever you want and during the process you may also decide if a backup of the emails should be kept in our system or not. Although this feature isn't a requirement, it's very practical because you will have a backup of the emails on our end just in case that anything happens with the third-party email address. Even if they have only a temporary issue, you risk losing email messages as when our server receives and forwards a message, absolutely nothing will be kept on our end unless you chosen a backup to be stored.