Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
When you obtain one of the Linux cloud hosting service that we offer, you'll get access to a huge library of more than 3400 Perl modules which are already installed on our cloud server platform. As soon as you sign in to your Hepsia Control Panel, you're able to visit the Server Information section where you can easily see the whole list. Some of them are more popular than others, but we offer such a large number because we are aware that if you employ an app from a third-party site, it may have specific requirements as to which modules should be present on the server or it will not work properly. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are on the list of modules that you are able to access and employ on your sites.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you wish to employ a Perl-based web application or CGI script, it shall be possible to use 3400+ different modules that are available on our cloud hosting platform and are a part of each semi-dedicated server we provide. You will be able to see the full list at any time via your Hepsia Control Panel together with the folder path needed for your scripts to access the modules. We identify the fact that some third-party programs may require modules that are not really popular so as to function correctly, hence the large amount that we have installed on our end. URI, LWP, DBD::mysql and Image::Magick are amongst the modules which you'll be able to use with your Perl apps no matter the package deal that you choose.